The Yeobi Federation

Yeobi means “sunny rain” in Korean. 

Yeobi is a federation of associations of foreign nationals in Montpellier. These associations are involved on the ground in welcoming newcomers and promoting their languages and cultures. 

The aim of the federation is to enable these associations to become key players in the reception of new arrivals by supporting them in their professionalisation and the development of the skills of their members and teams.

We are also convinced that those associations, like the vast majority of foreign nationals in France, make a positive contribution to their host country. 

The second objective of the federation will therefore be to highlight the contributions of these communities but also their ability to integrate within the city and to collaborate with the people of Montpellier.  And this for the benefit of society as a whole. 

Concretely Yeobi : 

  • Communicate on the initiatives of our member associations and promote them to the press and media. 
  • Train and advise the associations so that they develop their programmes and professionalise their actions.
  • Coordinates the associations so that they can develop together projects that have an impact and generate income. 


Our founder associations

Initially an association providing support to international associations, it became a federation on 24 October 2020 with the following 3 founding associations: 

– Qantara Occitanie: French-Syrian association of Montpellier 

– Cafofo: French-Brazilian association of Montpellier

– Franco-Sudanese Friendship of Montpellier   

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50 bis Rue du Faubourg Figuerolles, 34070 Montpellier